
Program of the Central Conference 2025

Wednesday April 2.

Jerusalem Church will be open from 16.00, and from 18 to 19 we will serve dinner.

At 18.45 you can participate in an introduction to the work of the central conference.

At 19.30 pm we will celebrate the opening worship together. Bishop Christian Alsted will be preaching, and the gospel choirs Kefas and Jacobs Ladder will sing with us. Offering to work with children and families in Jerusalem Church.

After the service there will be coffee/tea and then departure for the hotel.

Thursday April 3.

After breakfast we start our work with a bible study by bishop Stefan Zürcher from the South and Central Europe Central Conference.

The first session of the morning is dedicated to opening matters and the final farewell to the four Eurasian annual conferences.

The next items will be the main reports of the bishop the laity, and input from the bishops of the other European central conferences.

Note that if you have been appointed as leader or secretary of a focus group you are called to at short briefing on your tasks at 13.00.

In the late afternoon the committee on episcopacy will present the candidates for Fridays election of a new bishop. The presentation is scheduled like this:

• Personal presentation by the candidates (A total of 30 min).
• Prepared questions in plenary (30 min).
• Interview by delegations (3x20 min. in separate rooms). We ask the delegations to contact Meeli Tankler if they wish to make use of this opportunity.

After dinner the Focus Groups will meet for the first time and discuss the addresses that were given during the day.

The day ends with a devotion by Revd. Dr Jonathan Hustler from the Methodist Church in Britan.

Friday April 4.

After breakfast we have bible study with bishop Harald Rückert from the German Central Conference.

The first session of the day is dedicated to the election of a new bishop and will be led by the representative of the Council of Bishops, bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank.

The rest of the day we work in focus groups.

At 5 pm we gather in groups to go to Copenhagen for guided walks around the old city center. We end up back at Jerusalem Church for dinner at 8 pm, followed by a gospel celebration and a sermon by bishop Dottie Escobedo-Frank. Offering to the churches devastated by fire in Los Angeles.

Saturday April 5.

After breakfast we have bible study with Rev. Louise Aaen.

Most of the sessions of the day are dedicated to working in plenary with the reports from the focus groups. Towards the end of the day, we will elect members of the Central Conference Council and representatives for a number of boards for the next quadrennium.

Dinner is at 18.00 and immediately after dinner we depart for Jerusalem Church, where we gather for an evening program to celebrate the ministry of bishop Christian Alsted.

Sunday April 6.

After breakfast we depart for Jerusalem Church, you must bring your luggage.

Worship with consecration of our new bishop begins at 10.00. Please be ready a few minutes before so as not to disturb the possession. Offering to the Methodist Church in Ukraine.

After the worship we have a reception in honor of the new bishop. The reception ends at 2 pm. If you are going to Copenhagen Airport, remember to buy an additional one zone ticket (tillægsbillet).

Link to program